PIV method, maintenance, exploitation and method finalization

Scientific paper information

Original Scientific Paper distributed under the CC BY 4.0

Year 2022, Volume 2, Issue 1-2, Pages 7-12


Milos Januzovic

Belgrade University Faculty of Mechanical engineering, Belgrade, Serbia



Pavle Petrovic

Belgrade University Faculty of Mechanical engineering, Belgrade, Serbia


Nebojsa Petrovic

Belgrade University Faculty of Mechanical engineering, Belgrade, Serbia


Goran Vorotovic 

Belgrade University Faculty of Mechanical engineering, Belgrade, Serbia



Particle Image Velocimetry, Exploitation, Maintenance, Airflow behavior


PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry) method as a visual aspect of the fluid flow behavior, by itself is a continuous „problem“ as its exploitation is multi-layered and significantly negligible in comparison of the visualization shown. Namely, vector and point positioning are a direct matrix proportion which is delayed in comparison with the original disposition in accordance with the time passed in which the exploitation was performed. 

Exploitation of „material“ is a severely significant factor in the maintenance process of critical systems as PIV (Particle Image velocimetry) systems.

In this paper, the maintenance process of a critical laser component is defined in context of retention of stable measurement of airflow behavior in a standard subsonic closed type wind tunnel.

The paper describes the procedure of maintenance of a mechatronic system which is used in PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry) method, independently in the aspect of the hardware components (energy, power) and in the aspect of the software-based system manipulation.

How to cite this paper

Januzovic, M., Petrovic, P., Petrovic, N., Vorotovic, G. (2022) PIV method, maintenance, exploitation and method finalization, Science of Maintenance Journal, vol. 2, no. 1-2, 7-11


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