A contribution to identification of the port machinery maintenance importance

Scientific paper information

Original Scientific Paper distributed under the CC BY 4.0

Year 2021, Volume 1, Issue 1-2, Pages 20-27


Deda Djelovic 

Port of Bar, Bar, Montenegro



port machinery; maintenance; importance;


Overall importance of maintenance and, in that context, importance of port machinery maintenance, from different points of view, is analyzed in numerous references. In this paper are shown results of a research on port machinery maintenance system importance, based on the recognized importance level of port machinery for achieving required level of productivity in the cargo handling process. Research is conducted, using specific methodology, within the cargo handling and port machinery maintenance system in the Port of Bar (Montenegro).

How to cite this paper

Djelovic, D. (2021) A contribution to identification of the port machinery maintenance importance, Science of Maintenance Journal, vol. 1, no. 1-2, 20-27


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